Each of the 7 chakras has a vibrational frequency that is associated with a different colour.
In energy healing, including  crystal therapy, the chakras meaning is linked with a particular set of emotional, physical, and spiritual issues. When you pair certain crystals with chakras in the body, the crystalline structure of gemstones work to amplify your healing intentions and restore and rebalance the energy body by removing blockages. Cleansing of the 7 chakras also brings balance to overactive energy while strengthening any weaknesses.

Root Chakra

Black Tourmaline is a powerful grounding stone, it absorbs detrimental energies detoxifying the body and cleansing the energetic field. Once your root chakra is balanced, you will feel more grounded, solid and confident in yourself.

Red Jasper is a nourishing stone for the body and its high content in iron makes it very useful to regulate blood disorders. It offers support in periods of change and when our system goes into ‘shock’.


Sacral Chakra

Moonstone is a great emotional balancer, bringing emotions to a new level of ‘understanding’ so that we don’t feel overwhelmed by them. Because of its connection with the Moon, it can assist in releasing frustration and facilitate in surrendering during life cycles.

Carnelian is a stone that helps with the detoxification and purification of the body as its energies resonate with our digestive organs and intestines. It regulates energies in our sexual organs balancing hormones. Once your sacral chakra is back in balance, you will begin to feel excitement, inspiration and motivation again.

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Solar Plexus

Blue Calcite is one of the most calming stones present in nature. It helps with anxiety and restlessness. When we experience too much anxiety, a sense of ‘doom and gloom’ can develop and calcite can help with that.

Orange Calcite stimulates the energies of the physical body especially around the digestive system, metabolism and sexual organs. Once your solar plexus chakra is balanced, you will begin to feel motivated, focused and confident in your decisions.


Heart Chakra

Rose Quartz is the perfect stone for emotional heart issues, not only to fortify the heart but also for vulnerability. Rose Quartz can open your heart to all types of love to strengthen your relationships and love yourself.

Lepidolite is an excellent balancing stone for the mind and heart because of the Lithium content. When we have stress and blockages from feeling ‘not sure’ which way to go, this stone can help to soothe those feelings and align heart and mind energies.


Throat Chakra

Sodalite is a ‘connection’ stone between all the different aspects of the mind from emotional intelligence to analytical abilities. It can give support in clearer vision and detachment from outcome and circumstances. making this a great stone and ally for the manifestation process.

Kyanite has a relaxing physical effect on the body, especially if applied along the spine because of its relaxing properties. It can assist with creating new pathways in the brain and tissue cells in scarred areas and helps healing in the case of bone breakages. Balance the throat chakra for clear communication to speak your truth and express yourself.

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Third Eye Chakra

Fluorite is a natural ‘organiser’ bringing order where scattered thoughts are present. These thoughts can generate restlessness and anxiety, which this stone can help subside. The stones natural octahedral structure make it perfect for bringing order. Reawaken inner wisdom, which opens the door to self-knowledge.

Amethyst can assist as a balancing factor with excessive emotional activity, it is particularly useful for periods of intense change and transitions. During these times meditate and place on the head and also the knees.


Crown Chakra

Pyrite is extremely helpful with emotional boundaries. Healthy boundaries provide us with creative energy and confidence. It helps with grounding into high vibration quality energies. When the crown chakra is balanced and harmonious, it opens the doorway to spiritual enlightenment. 

Clear Quartz is a great energy amplifier and almost ‘neutral’ in its energy qualities. It increases the connections with high vibration energies, and it can be paired up with almost every crystal to amplify the energy output.