
Crystals have been utilised by mankind for thousands of years and loving them is not hard to do. We admire their looks, colours and shapes, also crystals can be an invaluable tool in our life’s journey. Let me help you find the perfect crystal for you.

Ynot Crystals Team: Meet Jo...

Ynot Crystals Team: Meet Jo...

By Joanna Lim - Founder of Living Lotus Love & Whole Being.

Hi, I'm Jo!

I love helping people relax and reconnect with themselves to reclaim their Self-Love and transform their lives. I want all people to embody their truth and have the courage to love who they are entirely. The good and bad bits so they can find the best in every situation and the opportunity for growth in every challenge.

 Over the past 15 years, I have been all over Australia and the world, connecting with different personal development and healing modalities, taking the bits that work, and leaving behind what doesn’t. I have journeyed with kinesiology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Qi Gong, dance, Shiatsu, relaxation massage, meditation and mindfulness, sound, crystal and plant healing, Reiki, tarot and many more. I’ve been to Mount Everest Base Camp, the slums of India, the temples of Japan, and the mountains of Peru, all searching for spaces to know myself better.

 My conclusion is that we are the ones we are searching for. No one modality or teacher has had a lasting answer for me that changes everything. Only interacting with these practices awakened my more profound understanding of who I am and why I am here. I believe for every person, the journey is different because we are all here for a different experience, but for the same reason: to learn who we are, why we are here and be a shining example to the world around us of what is possible as we grow and morph into who we want to be now.

 So, I do not have a 12-step program that leads you to enlightenment. What I do have is the love and willingness for you to have the space and time you need to discover what you need and find your way to get there in a sustainable, achievable way. A way that you can always fall back on and rework when you need to because it is 100% yours and feeds off who you are now and who you want to be.

 The sense of Self I have achieved has been hard-won and reliant on actively pursuing two core principles that may surprise you. These are central to everything I share. My offerings include coaching and embodiment sessions, intuitive readings, workshops and retreats. Everything is based on these two principles. They are SELF-LOVE and WHOLE BEING.

 Let me flesh them out a bit for you, in my understanding.

 1. Self-Love is listening to our Inner Self and taking action on our needs as we notice them. This way, we don’t end up tired and depleted every day, having only tended to everyone else's needs, leaving our own neglected. Some people don’t even realise they have their own needs and wonder why they are always so tired and low-energy.

 2. Whole Being is the practice of tuning into different layers of our being. These are the physical (body), mental (mind), energetic (gut), emotional (heart), soul (heart centre) and spirit (crown). When we can make time and listen to each of these layers, we begin to notice when different layers agree or disagree. When we notice all layers agree, we can make the best possible decisions for ourselves because we all are saying YES! We feel energised and inspired because no inner mixed messages waste our energy and leave us feeling lost and confused. For example, our head (mental) thinks it is a good idea, but our heart (emotional) is saying no; this doesn’t feel right. As a result, we either do nothing (procrastination) or follow one of them (usually the one we think we should from other people’s opinions.), leaving the other part of ourselves feeling rejected and ignored. Over time, this creates an inner war that wages on, confusing and depleting us of vital energy and desire to take action on our dreams. Because it all seems too hard, and we don’t have the energy. As an aside, the best thing to do in these circumstances is stay with it to decide when all layers are actively in agreement. There is sometimes some fear and negotiation to be had, but the result is a fully resolved answer from your inner guidance, oh and inner peace!

 Do you resonate with any of the feelings or experiences listed above? I know I do, and I still have to practice every day. This lifelong lifestyle is centred on loving connection rather than a quick fix. But if you are willing to put your true Self first in your life. If you genuinely desire love to be your life experience, these practices will change your life. Provided you do a little bit every day. The daily practice of Self-Love and Whole Being can transform our life experience from a daily grind of constant issues and problems to an incredible journey filled with opportunities to grow and become more authentically ourselves. It is the difference between being tossed about in the surf to getting up and riding the wave in our unique way with each other.

 Are you ready to take back control of your life?

When a massage turns into something more meaningful

When a massage turns into something more meaningful

How it all started...

How it all started...