
Crystals have been utilised by mankind for thousands of years and loving them is not hard to do. We admire their looks, colours and shapes, also crystals can be an invaluable tool in our life’s journey. Let me help you find the perfect crystal for you.

Ynot Crystal Team: Meet Robyn

Ynot Crystal Team: Meet Robyn

by Robyn Brown from Robyn’s Massage Studio

People usually ask me one of two questions (or both) after experiencing a healing treatment with me. “What was that treatment I just received?” and “Have you always had this gift?”.


I usually respond cheekily to the first question that was a “Robyn”. The second question has an answer that is layered and relevant to each client’s story at that passage on their healing journey. Life’s happy accidents, serendipity is always at play. Encouraging clients to listen to their inner guidance, intuition, and yearning, they want to book a session with me even without knowing what they will likely receive. Serendipity delivers us both to meet at a time and space where the timing is in perfect divine order. Serendipity is a philosophy very dear to my heart. It is part of the keystone of my spiritual journey.

 In my mid to late 20s, when I had little knowledge of anything metaphysical, philosophical, religious, or spiritual, I had my second spiritual emergence while taking a sabbatical break to Cairns. I was at a crossroads as to my next career pathway in the corporate world. I felt there was more to life than what I was living, but I didn’t yet know what was next. A serendipitous accident started a new “life” pathway for me while I was a Marlin Fishing boat crew member. I had a fall before a charter and injured my neck. Whilst unconscious, I had a visitation from my deceased father, saying everything would be ok. I came to consciousness in a hospital bed with a neck brace on and no feelings in my legs. I was scared.

The universe was delivering me a clear message to wake up!

 A healing journey unfolded with conventional medicine coupled with complementary alternative healing modalities. I had my first physic reading, experienced my first spiritual healing, and received my first crystal (a tiny rough malachite pocket stone) during my neck (and my life balance) rehabilitation. When my brother gifted that crystal to me, it was to keep me safe. I kept it on my bedside table. One night, in a massive electrical storm, I woke from a dream about my dad and noticed my malachite wasn’t there. An inner voice told me to go to my balcony, and there, glistening in the rain, was my little malachite. I questioned if I was losing my mind! How does a crystal move by itself?

 That morning, I rang the crystal shop that had become my new favourite store. I asked the owner what this meant. She, without hesitation, gave me the number of the founder of a spiritual college nearby in Crows Nest. I rang Stephen immediately, and he said without any prompting that my dad was nudging me to start my spiritual healing journey. I enrolled at Chiara College and ended up studying metaphysics, spiritual healing, parapsychology, and advanced metaphysics with them while still working, then exiting the corporate arena to start a spiritual café aligned with a crystal shop on the Central Coast in 2000. I still have my precious little malachite on my altar to this day. It would be the least valuable of my now more extensive crystal collection, but its journey with me is priceless!

 I called the café prototype that I envisioned A Taste of Serendipity; it was before its time, but I universally channelled to co-create. An internet café (when dial-up was a thang!), an artistic community hub, a co-working space, a spiritual shop offering healing modalities, complementary medicine and readings, crystals, tarot decks, books, and so much more. Another significant event (another story) serendipitously occurred, and I was able to exit the café (I now know I was purely there to provide the vision and blueprint and get “Gnostic Mana” up and operational. It is still successfully running to this day.)


So fast forward to 2024! Serendipity delivered me to Newcastle and Ynot Crystals here in Darby St!


My spiritual pathway leading up to this segway has seen my being able to delve into all things aligned to my now spiritual practice of many forms of the healing arts, I am now a working artist with my heARTworks. I have 25 years of healing practice, experiential learnings, teachings, travels, and stories infused into every session. I’ve been the child, the maiden, the mother, and the mage. I am tertiary educated and spent a decade in the corporate arena. I have studied and practised many healing modalities: metaphysics, spiritual healing, parapsychology, reiki, lomi lomi, kahuna, hot stone, pregnancy, remedial, kodo, romi romi massage, Australian bush flower and essential oils, to name the majority.

 I’ve sat in and co-facilitated many workshops, meditation circles and retreats. I practice yoga, walk my dog, go to the gym, enjoy ecstatic dance, love singing, painting, walking barefoot on the sand before a dip in the ocean, and cherish my “ME’ time away from the world.

I love walking in nature, cooking for loved ones, sharing wine, listening to music, having great conversations, and being comfortable saying the “F” bomb with my eclectic tribe.

I’ve been an athlete, an athletics coach and a ‘netball mum’.

I’ve loved and lost love, to love and lose again…this loop applies to ALL our relationships we came into this human existence to heal, navigate, learn, and grow from. I’ve climbed the highest free-standing mountain in Africa and travelled to the heart of the Australian desert to two land portals that forever changed MY landscape. I am also incredibly proud to call Aotearoa (New Zealand) my home of origin and spiritual homeland Papatuanuku is forever in my heART. I honour the Awabakal and Worimi country I am respectfully treading lightly upon.

The Aura-Soma Light Beamer Pen

The Aura-Soma Light Beamer Pen