
Crystals have been utilised by mankind for thousands of years and loving them is not hard to do. We admire their looks, colours and shapes, also crystals can be an invaluable tool in our life’s journey. Let me help you find the perfect crystal for you.

Crystal Intelligence: Waves Of Change

Crystal Intelligence: Waves Of Change

News Years Resolutions. So many of us start the year with the best of intentions but intention without action is meaningless. So how do we go about filling that gap? Often what blocks us from embracing change lies in emotional baggage, negative self talk, or in some cases we simply don't believe that it is possible for us to change. 

What we do know is that the inevitability of change is the only thing we can be certain about. So why is it that so many of us fight change opposed to taking the path of least resistance? For some of us we push change away, we try to control outcomes that we have no control over in order to avoid change, and ultimately we find ourselves feeling anxious and stressed out. In the meantime, the waves of change continue to hit our shores. 

So what are the options? Do we get dumped in the rough water or do we choose to stand up and surf. My choice is the latter, and the good news about that is that we have everything we need to surf built into our DNA. Evolution is human nature. If the last 12 months has taught us anything it is that the future is uncertain, but we all have the wisdom within us to not only survive in times of rapid change, but to consciously choose to thrive. 

The Law of Divine Compensation suggests that this is a self-organising and self-correcting universe: the embryo becomes a baby, the bud becomes a blossom, the acorn becomes an oak tree. Clearly, there is some invisible force that is moving every aspect of reality to its next best expression - Marianne Williamson

Change is something that affects us spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. 

It is intertwined into the very nature of both our biological and energetic anatomy. We only have to consider the adaptability of the human brain, that is constantly firing off neurotransmitters which will either travel down well worn neural pathways (channels of thought), or these pathways will adapt. Some of you may have heard of Neuroplasticity which is the brain's ability to adapt to changes in an individual's environment by forming new neural connections. 

Energetically the mind corresponds with the 3rd eye chakra influencing our psychology, and how we evaluate belief systems and attitudes. It resonates with the energy of our psyche, as well as our conscious and unconscious psychological tendencies. If we can work with literally visualising the change we seek, we are one step closer to changing how we think, which informs our capacity to ignite transformation. 

Even daily activities such as eating will kick off a miraculous process of change in our physical bodies. It is incredible to consider the way our bodies can turn a banana into energy that fuels cell regeneration, growth, and that powers our entire system. In our Chakra system these processes occur energetically in both the Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakra located in the areas of our stomach and intestines. 

Interestingly science has also been able to prove the health of our gut also directly influences our brain. The gut-brain axis (GBA) is a bidirectional link between the central nervous system (CNS) and the enteric nervous system (ENS) of the body. It involves direct and indirect pathways between cognitive and emotional centres in the brain with peripheral intestinal functions. As it turns out what we eat, does directly influence how we think. 

This link also makes sense when we consider the interconnected nature of the chakra system. When we are open to the incredible power within us to flow with change and adapt on every level we are able to embrace change with grace and ease. So what is it that gets in the way of this natural state of flow? 

The greatest resistance we face when dealing with change always comes back to what we fear, and fear comes to the surface when we feel unsafe. In the age of cavemen and women this fear factor served a purpose because it kept us safe from the ‘lions, tigers and bears’. The human body has very cleverly enabled a system whereby hormones and chemicals are released in our system triggering a fight or flight response if we are under threat.

In the modern world these ‘lions, tigers, and bears’ look a little different. They look like the sudden loss of a job, moving to a new location, a relationship breakdown. All of the significant turning points that throw us into the winds of uncertainty, eliciting exactly the same stress response within us as our ancestors living in caves. 

The good news is that there are a variety of tools that we can use in order to manage that stress in times of rapid change. I personally love working with the energy of the Chakra System alongside Crystal Intelligence.

For some of us we may have suddenly found ourselves dealing with change, where for others change might be something they seek by choice. Either way the ability to thrive in these significant moments of life starts with being able to visualise ourselves as being happy and content in our perceived life. It is through working with the 3rd eye chakra that we are able to visualise and then manifest the outcomes that we seek. 

A great crystal to work with in opening the 3rd Eye Chakra is Lapis Lazuli. Lapis Lazuli has been called a stone of power for millennia and its most common representation is on the head of a pharaoh or chiselled in its sarcophagus. This crystal has the ability to stimulate both creativity and inspires vision. Because of its rich composition it has the dual effect of both charging the 3rd eye chakra while also grounding the vision. 

While we are in this process it is also natural for those fears we were talking about earlier to rise to the surface, especially if the reality we desire is knocking on our door. Lepidolite has one of the most soothing energies in the crystal realm. The stone itself is high in Lithium which is the same element used in medication for mental health. The Lithium in the crystal bonds with our descending energies drawing fear out of our energetic body. 

Alongside working with our vision for change, and dissolving our fears, the next ingredient is the ability to take our intention into passionate action. This is where the real change happens. In order to do this it is helpful to work with the lower Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras. The reason for this is because these chakras will not only power the action, but they will also generate the emotional energy to follow through. Boundaries have to be crystal clear (pun intended!) in order to create sustainable change. The kind that really does transform our lives. 

When we look for the perfect gatekeeper for those boundaries Pyrite is our best ally. Pyrite is one of the few crystals with a structure so defined that in some mining sites it is found in cubic form, and this is exactly what we need to be able to create the follow through required to truly stick to the change that we seek in our lives.

In summary it's important to remember that we all have the innate wisdom within us to change. We are part of the natural world and whether we are willing or not we are bound by the same universal laws, but those laws are in our favour. When it comes to change the universe really does have our back giving us everything that we need, and fate always favours the fearless, so dream big and take bold courageous action. 

“For those who wish to re-member themselves…come and see”

“For those who wish to re-member themselves…come and see”

Crystal Intelligence: The Manifestation Process

Crystal Intelligence: The Manifestation Process