
Crystals have been utilised by mankind for thousands of years and loving them is not hard to do. We admire their looks, colours and shapes, also crystals can be an invaluable tool in our life’s journey. Let me help you find the perfect crystal for you.

Crystal Intelligence: The Manifestation Process

Crystal Intelligence: The Manifestation Process

Human beings are hardwired for storytelling. We think in stories, we build empathy in stories, and we even dream in stories. These stories are the golden web informing our culture, our values and our belief systems. They are everywhere, yet the most powerful stories do not exist outside of us, because they live within us. They are the stories we tell about ourselves to ourselves.

What we believe is what we conceive in the world. If we believe that our world is great, then chances are it will be great. The exact opposite is also true. This concept seems frightfully simple (and it is), but it is also genuinely complex. In truth, the path of love and fear are a part of the human condition, and the ability to shift painful stories or beliefs into positive ones reflects the reality of human struggle and joy. The real power is not in denying this reality but embracing it to better understand how we create the life of our dreams. Welcome to the manifestation process. 

There is irony in the fact that facing our fears head-on is something that makes us fearful. There is discomfort in facing our struggles, owning our shame or owning the fact that we need to change. That said, denying the existence of these things is far more destructive because it keeps us in fear, rather than allowing love into our lives. The sooner we can face our fears, the closer we get to the life that we desire. We let go of the resistance and instead manifest a loving life by design. 

The manifestation process has three parts. We must recognise the fear factors—the old programs, beliefs or self-destructive behaviours. From there we can release those patterns, to rewire our energy for a new reality. 

The good news is that there are ancient healing modalities that can assist in the manifestation process. I have always loved meditation, visualisation and mood board drawing; however, my true calling is in unlocking crystal intelligence. There is a reason why people use the phrase getting ‘crystal clear’. Clarity is what enables direction. 

So what does getting crystal clear look like? The decision is in the vision. Ultimately if we want to create a new future for ourselves getting crystal clear is found in our ability to see that future. Everyone will find their own way. Some might use vision boards, others meditation while others might choose to journal or paint. The focus in the process is about staying open to intuition and having the courage to dream. 

Once you are clear on the vision, you then need to recognise and release what patterns, stories or behaviours are limiting your ability to make that vision real. I have worked with so many clients who have an idea but believe they are not “good enough, thin enough or smart enough”. The list of not enoughs goes on! They have a thousand excuses around why they are not worthy of their dream life, which means that in reality, they are not. They have set the agenda. If we are not able to recognise and release these patterns, then we are unable to make the decisions that will lead to the manifestation of our dream life. 

For anyone looking for support to recognise and then release old and outdated paradigms of belief, then Amethyst is an amazing stone. During Egyptian, Greek and Roman times, this beautiful stone was considered to be ‘royal’ and was often used on crowns and head ornaments. Characterised by a violet vibration, it can assist us in transforming old thought processes and eliminating behavioural patterns out of alignment with our vision. 

Another tip, is to get out of our heads and step into the wisdom of the physical body. We ground to the earth through our bodies, so if we are looking to release patterns, it makes sense that like releasing a plug in a bath we allow the earth to drain away any ‘dirty water' in our minds. In turn, we have then created space in our bodies for new energy to infuse our being. 

When we are manifesting a new vision for our lives, we need that new energy to sit and settle in the body. We need to enter a feeling state where we harness the energy of the dream house, the dream job or the dream partner. We need to ask ourselves what would this new house, new job, or new partner feel like? What does the embodiment of this new energy feel like? 

As a way to connect with the physical body it may be helpful to use a stone such as a Carnelian. It is classified as a transformative stone, similar to amethyst, however, it interacts better with our lower chakras inviting us to take action. Its colour, when untreated, varies from dark to pale orange, so it is reflective of the process of the Earth element ( yellow ) meeting the Fire element ( red ). 

Ultimately manifestation is never about money, success or status. We manifest new realities when we feel connected to meaning, fulfilment and joy and when we are grateful for what we already have. 

When working with manifestation crystals, remember that the crystal intelligence exists within you. How you use your crystals or harness their energy is something that will be personal to your expression and your process. There is no right or wrong way, and you have the innate wisdom to know what is best for you. The main thing to remember is to keep choosing love over fear with the inner knowing that the best is yet to come. 

Crystal Intelligence: Waves Of Change

Crystal Intelligence: Waves Of Change