All in Aura-Soma

The Aura-Soma Light Beamer Pen

Experience the power of colours and the Aura-Soma system at a deep level with the Aura-Soma Light Beamer Pen; the “Self-Selective” and “Non-Intrusive” core principles of Aura-Soma are also applied to this modality, leaving you empowered by your healing process.

Aura-Soma Essentials

Unlocking the secrets of the language of colours requires embracing an intuitive perspective. By translating that intuition through your life experiences, memories, and emotions, you allow your "Inner Self" to illuminate the path that is most fitting for you in the present moment.

“For those who wish to re-member themselves…come and see”

For me, Aura-Soma is, first and foremost, a language, the Language of Light and Colours, that can easily connect with a deep part of ourselves. When Vicky Wall brought it to light in 1983, she didn’t exactly know what it was for. It took years of interactions with her clients to understand the potential hidden in those bottles and the application of the liquid to the body.